Friday, July 14, 2006

How does this happen?

I mean, I go from absolutely bored (now I remember why I always work in the summer--I'm completely bored if I don't!) to insanely busy!

Mel's friends from the ATL (read Georgia) are coming into town tonight and are staying through Monday. So, there's crazy cleaning going on--and then, we're having a HUGE summer party on Sunday, so there's cooking and planning and all sorts of shopping and crap going on too.

On top of all of this, another friend is going through a break up, so she's been kind of staying here, as well, which is cool, but it cuts down on the alone time, and the time where I do things that are loud (like--I don't know, weed wacking or something--or playing the out-of-tune piano) and I end up hanging out with her a lot, so other stuff just doesn't get done.

But then...then...the folks are coming to town too--next Friday--so there's even more cleaning to do. Dang this house is clean!

And there's all sorts of birthdays and camping and farmsitting (oh--so can't wait for that! Horses and cows and llamas and chickens and goats and pigs--and maybe even BABY pigs!!! or maybe this year I'll help Priscilla deliver her pigs, like last year--what a story that was!) (that's the farm) and appointments (oh yeah--physical therapy, here I come!). Holy moly. Not only am I not bored, I'm freakin' busy!

Hopefully, the pt appointment will help, and I'll be able to sleep, and hopefully, people will come to our party (I always have this fear that people won't come--does everybody have that fear?).

We have cute little grab bags for the five people that are having a birthday this month, and we're making a TON of chicken and I'm making a carrot cake, and something chocolatey--but I don't know what, yet. And deviled eggs and pasta salad. I'm so excited! Ugh! can't wait. Oh, and a cobbler--a berry thing. Yum! But sheesh--I'm gonna be tired!

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