Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ok, what is going on here?

So, I recently put an ad on craigslist for a roommate. Ok, fine. I got four inquiries in a matter of hours, and the room isn't even available yet. I'll wait, and when it gets closer to the time, I'll repost, but I might hang on to one woman who has a banjo and a dog named Sugar, but-I digress. The whole point of this posting is this e-mail (below). What follows is a real response to my ad, and I am left simply scratching my head. Please, read:

Dearest, I am glad hearing from you so soon. I want to tell you that I am happy and willing to be your roommate if only you can help me hold the room until I come back this month being August. I am a home girl right from my native country in Nassau Bahamas.

(okay, I stepped in and deleted this, because it was crazy long, and bugged me, but yes--it was a scam--I contacted Craigslist about it. Very weird).

Update: So, obviously, Melanie is moving out, but we have talked, and...it's good. We are still friends, but living together just isn't working. She has admitted that she doesn't really live well with any of her friends (yet, she's moving in with another--good luck, Akasha). We had a teary little talk, and she's still coming out to the farm (oh yeah, I'm at the farm this week--love the farm!) and Ziggy will still stay at the house sometimes, and all that is good. Especially since Daisy gets blue without her Zig.

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