Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oh, why the hell not turn this into drama central?

See the happy drunk girl in the cowboy hat? That's me. The other one? That's Mel. That's our Easter party, right after I bought the house. What fun! A ton of people, a ton of vodka, beer, and many misconstured hook-ups. Ah, good times. Those were the days...

So, yep. I gave Melanie her 30 day notice. It's really going to suck, and I really need the money, but she is really awful to me, and I'm just not going to let her treat me like crap. I am not at ease in my own house, and have been avoiding it for the past two days to stay away from her, and that's just crap.
And, it really does suck, because we've been friends for a while, and we've been pretty darn close, but it is very hard being friends with somebody who is goddamned determined to be miserable, and watch out if you aren't, because she'll do her best to make sure you are, as well. And you know what? I have a hard enough time being happy on my own, without some negative vortex of self-pity trying her best to drag me down too!

The worst part...I know how she treats people once she feels she has a right to treat them like shit. Not that she hasn't already been treating me poorly, but it's been a passive aggressive kind of shit, but now...she'll bust out the big guns baby. All along, she's been looking for a reason to hate me. I guess we're there now. Aw hell...