Thursday, March 30, 2006

so silly

This thing--it's just silly. I mean, it's basically a journal for me, since nobody reads it. I've sent the link to people, and still, not one stinking comment.

I'm almost completely moved in. ALMOST. There is still the cleaning, and maybe one or two more car loads. It's amazing how much crap you get rid of when you move. Luckily, my upstairs neighbor at my apartment is a saint, and donates stuff to everybody that needs it while she's busy saving the world (I'm not kidding, here--she's an actual saint), so everything I don't want, don't wear, don't need or don't have space for goes upstairs and either she takes it or donates it or makes some sort of peace medal out of it. Really, a saint.

I'm still completely overwhelmed by the amount of tasks there are with owning a house. I mean, once I get past the whole moving in crap, there's the whole finishing the painting crap, and then there's the whole YARD crap. That's a lot of crap. I need help...

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