Saturday, July 14, 2007

I don't remeber HER babysitting us...

Have They Tried Denying Him Four Times?

Woman #1: The kids I babysit are... I wanna say 'satanic.'
Woman #2: Wow.
Woman #1: I know it sounds strong, but every time I'm over there they're like, 'Let's think of different ways to kill Jesus.'

--Fordham University

Overheard by: Charlie

via Overheard in New York, Jul 14, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007


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Like, seriously, can you believe this? AND, nobody was there. AND, it was, oh, I don't know...90? And it was just us three girls, and our boy dogs, and that's it. Beautiful. Heaven. You could walk out to the lip of the shallow water, and jump in, if you wanted (but it was breathtakingly cold). I won't tell a single soul where this was, because I plan on camping there tons.
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