Friday, June 22, 2007

Book Meme (even though I don't know what that means)

So-the idea is that you prove your nerdiness. Stop what you're doing and look around you. Grab the closest book. Not your favorite one, the one that is physically closest to you. Now, open it to page 161. Find the fifth full sentence. Post it.

"But beyond the Far Terrirtories, see, over the Raucous Monutains, down through the Lost Camps, and way across the Big River, there's a spot called Applelawn."

From Summerland by Machael Chabon.

Yeah--it's a lame post, but gimme a break, I'm sick. Sick, sick sick! Ack!

Oh! But here's some camping pictures--Mel and I went to Rock Creek Resevoir, kind of by Dufur. It was nice--mellow. Lots of reading. Sam swims!